Ahhh, I love to shop online!!!
Hahahas, as if you girls don't already know. :x
Anyway, Room18.livejournal.com is no normal blogshop duh!
I love it when blogshop carries a variety of products,
Like from fake eyelashes, accessories, to lingerie,
to beautiful dresses and even unique imported items
from overseas from time to time!
Lol, die. I'm so lazy i can't even be bothered to bloghop
around blogshops to shop online!
But why shop elsewhere when you can find all clothes,
accessories, intimates in just one blogshop?
The lovely ladies from Room18.livejournal.com
sent me a cute pink dress and a bangle!
I looooove the gold bangle! Well.. it's gooooooold what!

So hop on over to Room18.livejournal.com now! :D
Leon's sister may is back here in singapore for two weeks!
Hehehe, It's really fun being around her,
She's like super tiny and really funny? lol
Yesterday we went to have dinner tgt with boyf's family,
And there was an accident and i got scalded by hot tea!
Hahahahas, it was so hot and burning i didnt even have time to react,
Didn't even know that it was like hot tea.
And then everyone was like dabbing tissue paper all over me
then boyf dragged me to the toilet and
suddenly there were like tears in my eyes!
So paiseh lor! like kena drag to the toilet at parkway parade
and like crying when i didnt want to cry.
It kinda shocking when i saw my right hand in
comparison to my good hand. Super eeeeeeeeeew-ish red!
Goodness, then boyf draaaaagged me to Watson
to get some burn relief cream and i still couldn't stop crying! :x
Damn ssssssssshy can!
But it's so much better now, heh,
mummy used aloe vera on my hand and bandage
my burned hand so i won't hurt myself when i'm sleeping.
Lol, i should have taken a picture of my bandage hand.
It's soooo ugly hahahas, mummy is the worst nurse!
So today May and leon's mum went to Clover to do their hair,
I wanted to only trim my hair!
But Raymond said he'll sponser my haircut/hairdye again!
Ahhh. he's like the best stylist eveeeeeeeer.
He did this dark red base w/ bright red highlight for me this time.
Oh maaaaan, i love the new dyejob.
Some reader asked me what hair colour i've done before.
I've done dark purple w/ bright purple hightlights,
Maroon-red w/ purple hightlights,
Dark shiny red w/black highlights.
All done by raymond. Omg, raymond has been doing
my hair for the past 4 years lor.
Freaking long already.
Clover, #03-12 @ Far east plaza.
Best to call 68362748 to book for appointment before going.
Ask for raymond and tell him you're Fidelis's friend,
There'll be 10% discount.
Okay! Damn busy now!
Wanna go watch Samantha Who?, Fringe, House and ugly betty!
I've been so hooked on twilight that i have been missing out on
my favourite tv shows! It's time to catch up! :D
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